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Stephanie Anderson is the author of One Size Fits None, released in January 2019 with University of Nebraska Press. Stephanie’s essays and short stories have appeared in The Rumpus, TriQuarterly, Flyway, Hotel Amerika, The Pinch, The Chronicle Review, Sweet, and others. Her essay “Greyhound” won the 2016 Payton James Freeman Essay Prize. Stephanie’s work is also featured in the essay collection Permanent Vacation: Eighteen Writers on Work and Life in Our National Parks, Vol. 2.

Daniel Bachman  is an artist, musician, and independent scholar primarily interested in the folk histories of Virginia. Bachman has released 11 full length records since 2011, and toured extensively internationally and throughout the US, garnering wide acclaim. His latest record, “When The Roses Come Again” is out Nov. 18, 2022, on Three Lobed Recordings.

Michael Buckius is a writer, filmmaker, and educator from Lancaster, PA. He earned his undergraduate degree in Film and Media Arts from Temple University, and his MFA in Creative Writing from Northern Arizona University. His work has appeared in Triquarterly, The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts, The Maynard, and Ghost City Review, among others. His first chapbook, Future Sarcasm, and his first full-length poetry collection, Mustache in Plain Sight, are both available through Tolsun Books. He currently teaches at Arizona State University and lives in Phoenix.


Stan Cox did his graduate work in plant breeding at Iowa State and performed the field research phase (on sorghum) at the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics in Patancheru, India. After graduation in 1983, Stan worked for 13 years as a wheat geneticist for the USDA Agricultural Research Service in Manhattan, Kansas. There, he worked developing new disease-resistant wheat germplasm using hybrids between wheat and its wild ancestral species. Since joining The Land Institute in 2000, Stan has been working on developing perennial sorghum. He is a Senior Researcher for Ecosphere Studies at the Land Institute.

Jessica Jacobs is the author of Take Me with You, Wherever You’re Going (Four Way Books), winner of the Devil’s Kitchen and Goldie Awards, and Pelvis with Distance (White Pine Press), a biography-in-poems of Georgia O’Keeffe, winner of the New Mexico Book Award. Chapbook Editor for Beloit Poetry Journal, she lives in Asheville, NC, with her wife, the poet Nickole Brown, with whom she co-authored Write It! 100 Poetry Prompts to Inspire (Spruce Books/PenguinRandomHouse), and is at work on a collection of poems exploring spirituality, Torah, and Midrash.

Dev Murphy is an illustrator, creative writer, ghostwriter, and copyeditor from Northeast Ohio. She received her BA in English (with minors in French and Drawing) from the University of Akron in 2015 and her MA in English Literature from Ohio University in 2017.








Claudia Nuñez de Ibieta translates and interprets within Spanish and English. Past work includes various translation projects for Chilean television, as well as historical translation for the Academy of American Franciscan History. More recently, she has translated short fiction and poetry, with work appearing in Harpy Hybrid Review, DoubleSpeak Magazine, and at fiikbooks dot org, where she participates in collaborative group translation projects. Also a member of the Cardboard House Press Cartonera Collective in Phoenix and a long-time bookseller, she grew up in Los Angeles, California and Santiago, Chile, but Tempe, Arizona has been her home the longest.

Diego Alfaro Palma (Limache, Chile, 1984) is the author of the poetry books Paseantes, Tordo, and Litoral Central; the chapbook Los sueños de los sueños de Kurosawa, and the book-objects Bolsas and Bicicentrismo. He also wrote the prose work Mandarinas. Crónicas de la primavera negra chilena about the Chilean social explosion, and edited Poesía reunida by Cecilia Casanova. His essays about Chilean poetry recently appeared in the volume Trabajos voluntarios. He is the translator into Spanish of El pensamiento zorro (The Thought Fox), essays by Ted Hughes, as well as the street artist manifestos of Banksy in El copyright es para policías. He put together the book Con mi caracol y mi revolver, a showcase of contemporary Chilean poetry, with a prologue written by Elvira Hernández. His book Tordo won Santiago’s Municipal Prize in 2015, and its English translation, by Lucian Mattison, was selected by the Academy of American Poets in 2018. His essays have appeared across various media in Chile, Argentina, Mexico, Germany, and the United States.


Brian Petersen is an associate professor in Geography, Planning and Recreation at Northern Arizona University. He serves on the Sustainable Communities graduate program steering committee and has served as the interim director for the program. He received his PhD in Environmental Studies at the University of California Santa Cruz. His research focuses broadly on the social dimensions of climate change. He recently co-authored a book with Diana Stuart and Ryan Gunderson called Climate Change Solutions: Overcoming the Capital-Climate Contradiction. His work also focuses on wilderness, public lands, biodiversity conservation, sustainability, and city planning. He recently served as the Chair of the City of Flagstaff Sustainability Commission for three years.


Eshani Surya is a writer from Connecticut. Her writing has appeared in or is forthcoming in DIAGRAM, [PANK], Catapult, Paper Darts, and Joyland, among others. Eshani is a Flash Fiction Co-Editor at Split Lip Magazine. She holds an MFA from the University of Arizona in Tucson. Find her @__eshani or at

Kelsi Vanada is Black Streak Wood, born for Water’s Edge. He is Diné from Vanderwagen, New Mexico. He holds an MFA in poetry from the Institute of American Indian Arts. Skeets is a winner of the 2018 Discovery/Boston Review Poetry Contest and has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Skeets edits an online publication called Cloudthroat and organizes a poetry salon and reading series called Pollentongue, based in the Southwest. He is a member of Saad Bee Hózhǫ́: A Diné Writers’ Collective and currently teaches at Diné College in Tsaile, Arizona. He is the author of Eyes Bottle Dark with a Mouthful of Flowers.

Thomas Whitman is a core member of the Center for Adaptable Western Landscapes and a Regents’ Professor, Department of Biological Sciences. A major emphasis of his research is the use of a genes-to-ecosystem approach to restore threatened poplar riparian communities and pinyon woodlands in the western United States. Tom served as the executive director of NAU’s Merriam-Powell Center for Environmental Research from 1999 until 2020. He has authored or co-authored 273 peer-reviewed publications that have appeared top-ranked journals, including Science and Nature. Additionally, he has mentored 32 successful Ph.D candidates and 29 master’s students. Tom has received numerous awards and honors, including the Eminent Ecologist Award presented by the Ecological Society of America. In 2020, he was honored with a Life Time Achievement Award, Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University.

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Photo credit: Aldona Dye

Carbon Copy est. 2019

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